Ona Garriga

Ciao a tutti, 

mi chiamo Ona, sono una grafica e un'amante di tutto ciò che è fatto a mano, adoro creare card e regali personalizzati. I colori pastello, la carta e molto amore sono gli ingredienti dei miei progetti!

Spero che vi piacciano :)

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Hi everyone,

today I want to show you my first mini album for ModaScrap blog, it has been a little bit longer than my usual projects but it was totally worth it and it was quite easy creating a mini album having the base already done: the *Mini album base square*.

The thing that I've liked the most about this album is that I got yo combine die cuts from *Happy flowers* and *grow with love* together with some dies from past collections like *Rametti*.

First thing first I've covered the structure with the *grow with love covering paper*, then to the binding which is made with some rope and inside it has a U shape. On the inside part of my mini album I've played with the *Grow with love* collection paper and some pastel cardstock which matches perfectly with the collection.

I've used the new Creative basics like *Creative square*, and I think these are my new favourite products!

I want to say a special mention to my favourite page: the one that has a flower bouquet that I've easily created with the *happy flowers* die set.

I hope you like it!

Until next time


Ona Garriga

Ciao a tutti, 

mi chiamo Ona, sono una grafica e un'amante di tutto ciò che è fatto a mano, adoro creare card e regali personalizzati. I colori pastello, la carta e molto amore sono gli ingredienti dei miei progetti!

Spero che vi piacciano :)

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