Tania Adessa

Ciao a tutti, sono Tania. Mi reputo una creativa da sempre, merito tutto di mia mamma che mi ha dato gli strumenti e trasmesso la passione sin da piccola.

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During this time I dusted off my sewing machine.

You will ask yourself: what does this have to do with scrap? Here I would like to show you my scrap / patch / sewing project.

I mixed several techniques together and my handbag was born! I used the leftovers from the various ModaScrap collections in my possession; such as "Spring Flowers", "Shades of Love", Under the sea ", Christmas Holiday", The Icy winter season ", etc. all in shades of green (obviously! Ha ha my favorite color!).

I cut many strips of 2x20 cm and ordered them by gradation and I sewed them all in zigzag.

From a transparent plastic tablecloth I cut out the parts to make the handbag. Between the two transparent layers I inserted the strips of sewn paper and a whole card thicker for the base, finally I turned everything over so as not to have the seams visible.

I finished by adding details such as the hooks for the shoulder strap and the bow with the ribbon. I hope I have given you an idea and inspiration for your projects.

See you the next time. Tania.

Tania Adessa

Ciao a tutti, sono Tania. Mi reputo una creativa da sempre, merito tutto di mia mamma che mi ha dato gli strumenti e trasmesso la passione sin da piccola.

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